Cosmosis CDs

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We offer a large variety of alchemical transformational CDs from our Cosmosis Sonic Alchemy series

(image for) Activating the map of the soul - MK2

Activating the map of the soul - MK2

A co-creation with the Universal energies. An inner journey which accesses and activates the knowing in your soul records of exactly what your...

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(image for) Archangel Metatron on Synthesis & Heart Meditation - MK3

Archangel Metatron on Synthesis & Heart Meditation - MK3

Channeled discourse on the relationship between the Archangels and Elohim in the fulfillment of the divine plan. The angelic beings ensoul the...

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(image for) Ascension Clearing Vortices Journey - MK15

Ascension Clearing Vortices Journey - MK15

An inner journey, activating brain illumination and becoming a conduit between heaven and earth in order to create harmony. Becoming a living point...

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(image for) Balancing Horizontal & Vertical Integration - MK23

Balancing Horizontal & Vertical Integration - MK23

Balancing the up and down, the inner and outer, horizontal and vertical, masculine, feminine - the dynamics of all relationships. The deep...

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(image for) Become a Point of Living Light & Rescinding of Vows MK10

Become a Point of Living Light & Rescinding of Vows MK10

In other embodiments we have often taken vows pertaining to all kinds of things which now no longer serve us. Come to an understanding of how to...

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(image for) Becoming a Universal World Server - MK 42

Becoming a Universal World Server - MK 42

This process Alchemically precipitates the advent of a new potential for World Server consciousness.

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(image for) Being source centred - MK 38

Being source centred - MK 38

I Know Myself as A Source of Love! This CD looks towards integrating the alchemical knowing necessary to ignite the alchemical source flame within.

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(image for) Core Fear Removal - MK44

Core Fear Removal - MK44


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