The Cosmosis Academy offers advanced Spiritual, Ascension & Metaphysical Education. All we can really do is be willing, and enable the receptivity to spirit. Beyond that it's up to our creative source to choose us. This is why the great teachers told us to prepare ourselves, to make ourselves worthy of being chosen. Only then will the magic will happen, only then will the greater self descend into your human expression. Michael King
Cosmosis® Academy Chief Mentor and Operations Manager
Segolene King has been working as a qualified personal growth mentor and coach, trainer and as a spiritual teacher since 2006. She is the Operations Manager for the CMC, overseeing and managing many of our day-to-day activities: admin, course development, training and teaching, procedures and standards, mentor and mentee support programs, and general teaching, guidance and direction.
Originally from France, Segolene found herself, at the tender age of 15, disillusioned and despairing about the prospect of living what most consider a ‘normal life’. She yearned for greater meaning and purpose, and yet felt very lost and depressed... At a crossroads of choosing - give up or fight for something more? - she resolved that the only way forward was to refuse simply going along with the life that people around her, backed by social expectations, envisaged for her future. Instead, she made the commitment to find a way to create a life which would allow her to find her place and find herself, do something she loves, while contributing value to the world. Seeking a life path beyond the boundaries of the familiar became a calling and an imperative.
She travelled alone from France to London at the age of 18, thereby kicking off her adventures while continuing her university studies in Europe. After a few years of searching in both the ‘wrong’ and the ‘right’ places, she set her feet consciously on the spiritual path at age 20. She underwent a profound spiritual awakening around the age of 21, which involved visions, remembrance of other lives and new illumined understanding about “life, the universe and everything”. Trying to make sense of it all and still searching, her journey meandered through a variety of spiritual teachings and traditions, including training in mediumship, Reiki and Sekhem healing, meditation, shamanism, Celtic traditions, ascension and angel workshops … and reading many books! Along the way, Segolene lived in several places including France, Spain, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Sydney Australia; each step of the journey bringing home new experiences, old soul memories and more learning. She concurrently experimented with an ecclectic assortment of professions: an internship in a .com travel company, working as a PA to the Director of a natural health company in London, selling investment properties accross Europe, and odd jobs in the catering industry.
In 2004, Segolene embraced the Cosmosis® Alchemical path of personal transformation and heart mastery, and never looked back! She knew right away that this was what she had been looking for. In 2006, she made Western Australia her home and joined the work in a professional capacity. She continues to dedicate herself to her own personal betterment and spiritual growth, as well as to making herself useful in service to the Greater Good.
Segolene has an Australian University degree in Psychology, with Politics and History (double major), Australian-government-accredited qualifications in Mentoring and Coaching and in Training and Assessment (Cert IVs). She also has a French ‘Maitrise’ (=degree plus one year of post-graduate studies) in Languages and International Business. She speaks four languages, and has a keen interest in books, international politics and history. She is also a mother, wife to Michael, a gardener and plays the piano (which she shares with her friends and family in The Love Finders Band).
Segolene is appreciated by Cosmosis® mentees and colleagues for her inspirational qualities, wisdom, compassion and insights into the workings of human experience…. And of course her French accent!
Cosmosis® Mystery School
September 21, 2022
Our mystery school is all about mastery of Self. Courses, Mentoring, Resources and Retreats to help you change your personal reactions and feelings about the people and situations in your life, and, instead of simply reacting to life, empowers you to consciously choose how you respond.