cosmosis diagram
King Family in Sydney

 "Seekers need to learn that it's not about appearances but rather the walking of the talk and holding high standards. I've advocated for over 30 years for higher ethics in spiritual groups.... almost all of the negativity out there about Cosmosis and myself is from people who i've challenged because of their unethical behaviour. If people can't see through the bullshit and feel the love that underpins our work then they are not ready to work with Cosmosis. What brings down the vibration of spiritual groups is poor ethics, inauthenticity, judgment and fear. Setting and enforcing high moral standards isn't judgment..... just like not putting salt into a cake mix isn't judgment.... it's just keeping the recipe correct to ensure the desired outcome."

Michael King ~ Cosmosis Founder

After a somewhat intense investigation into life, the universe and everything, over several decades in this life and of course many lifetimes, we have drawn our own conclusions as to how we might best travel the path of conscious evolution in the 21st century. We teach from our own experience and knowing in the fields of alchemy, philosophy, metaphysics and ethics. Below is a brief summary of our understanding as present sensed. Living out of this understanding allows you to live in harmony and balance with the way the universe orders itself, and by doing so you live in harmony with the forces of evolution itself. We call this way of living 'Source Attunement'. We make no claims so far as this being the only way, it is simply a way that works, if you but choose.



 The Mechanics of Cosmosis® Personal Spiritual Alchemy